Choose a career
Career: Pediatrician

Starting Annual Salary: $92,200
Choose a college & Pay
1. College: San Francisco State University (SFSU)

2. Tuition for 4 years: $140,360
Medical School:
UCSF School Of Medicine
Tuition for 4 years: $75, 052
3. Paying for college:
- Job: Barnes & Noble
Hourly Wage : $10.18
Salary : $20,364
- Scholarships: http://apps.collegeboard.com/cbsearch_ss/welcome.jsp
AXA Achievement Scholarship = $10,000 - Eligibility: U.S. Citizen & in high school
Free Scholarship = $1,000 - Eligibility: In high school
Bay Area Council Scholarship = $5,000 - U.S. Citizen
California Masonic Foundation Scholarship = $10,000 - U.S. Citizen
Education & Leadership Development Program = $6,000 - Asian American
Haratio Alger National Scholarship = $20,000 - U.S. Citizen
Rosewood Family Scholarship Program = $4,000 - Asian American
Easy Bay College = $2,500 - GPA above 3.0
Sample Award Package = $14,000 - Getting accepted to college
- Financial Aid: Grants: http://www.csac.ca.gov/doc.asp?id=105
Cal Grant A = $4, 884
Cal Grant A & B Competitive award = $7,788
Pell Grant = $5,550
I am eligible for these grants because I attend high school and I plan on going to college. Also, because my GPA average is above the 3.0 mark.
My Student Loans :
Monthly payment of $609.82. I will pay it off in 10 years.
Job: Registered Nurse Practitioner
Annual Salary: $87, 397 - $140, 598
Benefits: Medical plan & Retirement plan
Since I attend medical school, I will have some experience and will meet their standards.
Place To Live:
Apartment in Ingleside:San Francisco (Few minutes away from SFSU)
Rent : $850. Utilities included in monthly payment
Bus to & from work / school
Clipper Card - $60
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