Monday, October 4, 2010

Guess Who? Sharmane "Sine"

I'm a freshman at Oakland High School. And i have went to Edna Brewer Middle School and Bella Vista Elementary. And to those who don't know, I'm Filipino.
Recently I joined this program called AYPAL, which is an organization that basically helps stride toward helping our community and making a better, more equal future.
Also when I was in Edna Brewer I was an I.W.E. and helped around the school, and volunteered working in the cafeteria. Honestly, I'm not quite sure yet on what i want to be when i grow up. I think that it's still the time to learn from our mistakes until we reach and find what we truly want to be when we grow up. Happy. (:
Things I enjoy doing are drawing, listening to music, trying new things, facebook, and... eating.

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