Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ch 1 Graphing Functions

The graphing function I chose was y=x^2. I started off by drawing the original function which is in black. The original function crosses over the y-axis. Then I did a vertical translation by 3 units which moved the function up by 3 units and so the function's equation becomes y=x^2+3, this graph is in red. Then from the original function, I performed a horizontal translation by 4 units which moved the function to the left by 4 units and is graphed in blue. That function's equation became y=(x+4)^2. I combined the two previous function equations to perform a vertical & horizontal translation which is in green. To do this transformation, I moved it up by 3 units and to the left by 4 units which became y=(x+4)^2+3. Then from the original function, I made a vertical reflection across the x-axis which is in purple. This function became y=-x^2. Finally, I made a vertical, horizontal & reflection translation which is also in black. This function became y=-(x+4)^2+3, which is on the bottom left.

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